Slippery Knots
Slippery Knots
1999, 4’x62’x1’ one section of Installation, Installation: wish paper, soap, pigment, fragrance, fabric
“Slippery Knots I” and “Slippery Knots II” are cast multi-colored soap knots imbedding people’s wishes into the soap. Each form of the soap knot is different and the text on the paper is partially seen through the soap. I untied the paper knots to read people’s wishes, then I retied the wishes in another form of knot. I became interested in thinking about “knots” and “ties” as having a powerful meaning. “Knots” (interlacing, bonds) and “ties” (fasten, unite, connect) are necessary in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our lives. Taking advantage of working in a large scale, each knot in “Slippery Knots II” uses several wishes from a single site, acknowledging that people were momentarily at the same place even though they did not remain together. Whether we know each other or not, people are always somewhere together. The nine locations where I collected wishes for “Slippery Knots II” are used in the knots to connect viewers to the moment of wishing.